HPC nas notícias
Jun 22, 2023
'We need 10 times that.' Housing shortages on Cape emphasized in Healey visit.
Homeless Prevention Council CEO Hadley Luddy said her agency has seen a big increase in the 25 to 54 age group coming to them for help. “These are the people we’re serving and this is our workforce,” she said. “People don’t connect the dots necessarily.”
Jun 14, 2023
Walk For Home Makes Chatham Debut
On Saturday, a group of walkers left St. Christopher's Episcopal Church for the Chatham Lighthouse and looped back.
The group, about 40 people in number, walked as part of this year's Walk For Home. Now in its fifth year, the annual event raises money in support of the Homeless Prevention Council.
And while St. Christopher's has organized a team unofficially in support of the event in the past, this year marked Chatham's first as an official partner in the fundraiser, alongside Provincetown.
Jun 14, 2023
Students Walk Because ‘We See What’s Happening to Our Friends’
Provincetown middle-schoolers raise awareness and money at the Walk for Home.
PROVINCETOWN — One of the major donors to the Homeless Prevention Council’s recent Walk for Home campaign was a team from the Provincetown middle school’s National Junior Honor Society.
“We like to help out and work towards getting change because we see what’s happening to our friends,” said Shakira Booker, a seventh-grader who, with her teammates, joined the organization’s fifth annual walk on Commercial Street on Saturday, June 10. The middle-school students attended the march with a plethora of hand-drawn signs advocating housing solutions.
Students at the event talked about friends, family members, and teachers who have experienced housing instability or had to move off Cape because of it. “It’s really upsetting because we create relationships with people,” said eighth-grader Eve Dower. “And then, just based on housing, we have to never see them again.”
May 30, 2023
'No idea where we're going.' Provincetown pair faces homelessness as summer season begins
Pammy Nickerson, 52, and her boyfriend, Juan Carlos, 61, have lived at the Eastwood at Provincetown timeshare since November, but their future is uncertain. The complex is filling up for the season and will cost $1,600 weekly starting Memorial Day weekend, said Nickerson, which is more than what they can pay.
Feb 6, 2023
Year-round rental: Cape groups match potential tenants with local homeowners
Boxes crammed kitchen counters and spilled out into the living room on Thursday. Clothes were yet to be hung in closets. But on Danielle Clarke’s second day in a year-round rental home, she was so happy she couldn't find the words to describe it.
Clarke, along with her mother, sister, 4-year-old niece and a friend moved into the year-round, five-bedroom, two-bath rental on Feb. 1. She and her family have been looking for a house to rent for five years.
Prior to moving into her new home, she had been living at the Truro Motor Inn since 2018. Her mother had been there since 2016.
Jun 18, 2022
Are trailers next? Cape Cod leaders seek solutions to housing crisis 'right now'
The housing crisis on Cape Cod is so dire that a local housing advocate said it might be time to winterize motel rooms and bring in FEMA-type trailers to house residents who are temporarily dislocated.
It’s that bad, said Hadley Luddy, CEO of the Orleans-based Homeless Prevention Council.
Nov 21, 2021
Cape Cod rental housing shortage leaves middle-income families struggling to find a home
The Cape’s super-hot housing market has made a difficult rental market even tougher including for middle-income people who have the wherewithal to pay for housing. Advocates say there’s no end in sight.
Jun 17, 2021
Cape Cod Businesses Expected To Suffer Due To Housing Shortage
The lack of affordable housing on Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket exacerbated an already-dire year during the pandemic, forces island fire departments to rely on firefighters who commute by ferry, and will lead to scaled-back business services in the upcoming tourist season, local officials and experts said Thursday.