Community Partners
To ensure the best opportunities for HPC clients to stabilize their housing, HPC staff refer individuals and families in need to local agencies that provide services that complement—and go beyond—HPC’s scope. Services with other agencies are carefully coordinated to achieve maximum efficiency for our clients. We also partner with town councils on aging, housing authorities and schools.
Barnstable County
Chatham Housing Authority
The Community Builders Inc
Community Housing Resource
Dennis Housing Authority
The Family Pantry
Fishing Partnership Support Services
Habitat for Humanity
Harwich Housing Authority
Independence House
Lower Cape Councils on Aging
Provincetown United Methodist Church
Soup Kitchen in Provincetown
SNAP South Coastal County Legal Services
South Shore Community Action Fuel Assistance
Town of Dennis
Town of Eastham
Town of Provincetown
Town of Truro
Town of Wellfleet
Yarmouth Housing Authority
YOH Nauset Interfaith Association

Tom's Story
When Tom was referred to HPC he wasn’t homeless but was struggling with the high cost of housing. As a single Dad, he knew all too well how hard life can be on Cape Cod. Tom’s Case Manager explained that HPC’s mission is to prevent homelessness and that he had come to the right place. Together they completed housing applications. Tom and his 16-year-old son, Colin, were thrilled to secure their own new home through Habitat for Humanity.
"I went from a feeling of hopelessness that I wasn’t going to be able to stay where generations of my family have lived to having my own home. The team at HPC was absolutely instrumental in making this happen."