Give to HPC
Gifts to HPC improve lives. Your generosity empowers individuals and families by enabling HPC to provide tools, resources, and the guidance of our expert case management team to those who need it most. Investments in our life-saving work create stability for those in need who live and work in our community.
Meverlee's Story
Meverlee was living in a small, rented trailer at a local campground with her school-aged son. She was working as a home aide, crucial in our older community, but finding stable housing was impossible.
Meverlee was first referred to HPC by Provincetown Schools
when her winter rental ended. HPC staff helped her apply for
emergency housing everywhere she was eligible. Nothing was
available. But Meverlee felt hopeful about Cape Cod – her
son was thriving, there was plenty of work.

Why I Give
"Anything I can do to help HPC means the world to me. Our community depends on essential workers from restaurant staff to ambulance and firefighting personnel. The reality is that much of our workforce can’t afford to live here. HPC helps one client at a time with challenging issues to get through an immediate crisis and make strides toward a better quality of life."
-Barbara Murphey, longtime volunteer and Orleans resident.

Individual Donors
Your annual gifts matter. Your generosity supports HPC programs that have a positive impact on our community and improve livelihoods. Give today. Multiply your impact through your employer’s matching gift program.
Local Businesses
Our workforce matters. Restaurants, grocery stores, shops, and other establishments depend on a reliable workforce. Be part of the solution. Become an HPC Sponsor.
HPC’s life-changing work overlaps with the aims of many foundations. Contact us today and learn how you can partner with HPC to promote and achieve our shared goals.
Town Support
From Harwich to Provincetown, we assist people and families who are housing insecure. Not a single client who came to HPC last year went to a shelter. Your support saves taxpayers’ money. We thank you.
Make a gift with a lasting legacy
A charitable bequest through your will or living trust is one of the most meaningful ways to make a substantial impact on Homeless Prevention Council and our Cape Cod community. Whether you want to make a gift today or include HPC in your will, we have information available to answer your questions. Contact Hadley Luddy at hadley@hpccapecod.org or call 774-561-2453.